The secret history of Aryans

Prana is an energy which could function in different ways, According to their belief the realm could tap to this energy because they were the direct ascends of extraterrestrial beings from the other solar system that they come to earth in distant past, member of this master race were known as Aryans.

Similarly, the word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryan. In present-day academia, the terms “Indo-Iranian” and “Indo-European” have, according to many, made most uses of the term ‘Aryan’ obsolete, and ‘Aryan’ is now mostly limited to its appearance in the term “Indo-Aryan” to represent (speakers of) North Indian languages. Notions of an “Aryan race” defined as being composed of those of the Western or European branch of the Indo-European peoples is used in the context of fascist nationalism, an ideology of nationhood defined by ancestry. Iranians are still proud to be Aryans in roots.

They believed that Aryans were distant to be the master race from extraterrestrial side and they were the justifications for Nazi political party to establish the Aryans’ supremacy on the Planet Earth.

When the Nazi party swept in to power in 1933, Hilter and his scientist start a world wide search of the ancient alternative technologies. They’ve searched the world almost all. Nazis developed Anti Gravity, Levitation and other technologies which they’d receive from extraterrestrials.

Aryan scientists almost made the modern world as we know it after they brought to U.S. they had lacks of knowledge about Ancient Indian technologies like Vimanas (Flying Machines) because of their background and the obsession of Hilter.

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